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Tasmania University Football Club

TUFC Life Members Dinner

Fri, 18 Nov 2022
18:30 - 23:45

The TUFC is in the process of changing it's life membership qualification to 150 games! As there will be a number of retrospective life members, the club wishes to recognise those who have committed so much to the club at a special event.

All players past and present, members, sponsors and supporters (including partners) are invited to attend.

Location: Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania (see map for directions).

Ticket cost includes dinner, tea and coffee. Other drinks will be available for purchase at the bar.

There are two ways you can purchase a ticket;

1) through our website or

2) by transferring your ticket cost directly to the Supporters Club account;

BSB: 017 010

Account number: 205292625

Account name: Tasmania University Footy Club

Please use your name followed by "LifeMembers" as the reference. If you use this option, email meagle1@bigpond.com with your details to confirm the booking after you have completed the transfer.

RSVP by purchasing a ticket by Sunday 13th November.

Ticket Type Price
Life Members Dinner $50.00 Sale Ended
The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania
Marieville Esplanade, Sandy Bay TAS 7005, Australia

Sandy Bay, Tasmania, 7005, Australia

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